Bright Bears Childcare
According to , “starting TK or kindergarten is an exciting milestone for your child.
Here are some ways you can help prepare you child for the big day.”
-Let you child play! Activities like imaginary/make-believe, board games, and “cooperative” or team games (likes soccer) are great examples.
-Encourage independence throughout the day. This can include having your child get dressed on her own (or with minimal help).
-Encourage consistent hygiene skills likes washing hands before and after meals.
-Read with your child, and point out letters, numbers, and shapes as you turn each shape.
-Give your child simple, step-by-step directions to follow. For example, when cooking together, explain the steps.
-Let your child practice large muscle movements, like running, climbing, and jumping.
-Encourage your child to play using small muscle movements. Stringing beads and building blocks are all great ideas.
-Encourage writing using all types of materials, including crayons, chalk, and paint brushes.
-Help your child learn how to hold scissors safely.
-Encourage drawing and coloring, and talk about your child’s artwork together.
-Work with your child to learn to write her name.
-Sing, read, and talk about the alphabet.
-Talk about colors and shapes.
-Count numbers up to 30, and even sing about them.
-Teach your child her full name, parent’s names, and phone number.